Sunday, February 26, 2012

First Progress Photo of 2012 by John Quinlan

Just wanted to post a quick photo of my first progress photo of 2012. I am about 9 or so weeks away from my first physique competition and my training thus far has been going ok. Knock on wood I am injury free this time for the first time in years so I look to be in the best shape I can be without any terrible setbacks that I have been so accustomed to over the years. This photo was taken with my cell phone and the photo quality was actually kind of poor with bad lighting to I put it into black and white to off set the horrible brightness.

I am going to try and focus a bit more on my abs as last time around I was injured and due to the fact that I was stuck in bed for over a week and could barely walk for another 3 really made cardio work impossible and just working out really difficult. As a result my condition suffered big time and my abs did as well. This time I look to make up for the mistakes last time and keep my main goal of avoiding injuries fresh in my mind at all times so I am given a fighting chance. My abs are slowly coming along but I am just going to try and stay consistent with my training and diet and whatever happens happens. As long as I know I gave it 100% effort this time around I can live with the results. Thanks Everybody!

God Bless

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